AAHOA Political

 Action Committee

The AAHOA PAC gives AAHOA the opportunity to advocate on behalf of its members on Capitol Hill and in state capitals across the country. AAHOA PAC would cease to exist without continual contributions and support from our members. All AAHOA Members are encouraged to become Members of AAHOA PAC.

Over the years, AAHOA has aggressively cultivated relationships with elected officials in Washington, D.C., and in your state capital. In doing so, we have helped expand their knowledge around the importance of hotels to their communities and the economy at large. Thanks to you and your fellow AAHOA members, AAHOA is now the foremost resource and advocate for America’s hotel owners.


Human Trafficking Awareness Training and Prevention

January is National Slavery & Human Trafficking Prevention Month, yet AAHOA’s commitment to ending human trafficking is an ongoing mission throughout the year. AAHOA maintains relationships with the Department of Homeland Security, Businesses Ending Slavery and Trafficking, state partner associations, and many more organizations in the fight against human trafficking.

Returning and Retaining the Hospitality Workforce

AAHOA Members across the country have experienced months-long labor shortages since the onset of the pandemic. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, employment in the leisure and hospitality sectors is down by 1.2 million since February of 2020, a 7.2% decrease, which is among the highest of any labor market.

Securing Per Diem Fiscal Year 2023

Every year, the General Services Administration sets the per diem rates, an allowance for federal employees to cover lodging, meals, and incidental expenses incurred while on official travel. The per diem rates for the fiscal year are based on the average daily rate reported by local contractors within a county, ZIP code, or locality. The COVID-19 pandemic has had a devastating impact on the lodging industry, leading to record-low ADRs in markets across the country.

Official government travel is a vital source of traffic for many hotels, and AAHOA will continue to advocate for competitive rates set independently of distressed ADRs.

Increasing the Cap of the H-2B Visa Program

The H-2B Returning Worker Exception Act of 2021 (H.R. 3897), introduced in the House of Representatives by Rep. Henry Cueller (D-TX), modifies the H-2B (temporary nonagricultural workers) nonimmigrant visa program, including by exempting certain workers from an annual numerical limit on such visas.

AAHOA fully supports this legislation and is engaging with Congress to promote its passage.

Tax Reform

Preserving Internal Revenue Code Section 1031 Like-Kind Exchanges

Like-kind exchanges are an important source of capital for entrepreneurs, especially hoteliers, as they encourage hoteliers and prospective property owners to purchase new parcels of land, build new hotels, or renovate existing properties. LKE transactions promote savings and investment, allowing capital to flow freely and efficiently, thereby encouraging commerce, and, ultimately, stimulating our nation’s economic growth and job creation.

AAHOA Political

Action Committee

Every AAHOA Member is eligible to make a contribution and join the AAHOA PAC.